I/O Coin (IOC) Awareness Campaign

4 min readJul 18, 2018

Dear I/O Coin Community,

July 23, IOC will become 4

Time goes by and IOC is turning 4 in a couple days, 4 years full of hard work by the development team, community members and contributing partners. All people involved are non-paid “volunteers” since day 1. We built IOC from scratch and together we have worked our way through the last years making an awesome feature-rich Blockchain. All in an organic and fair way!

Ever since the crypto space got flooded with new projects its difficult to get the message and awareness about IOC across. People who do get to know IOC and focus on the technological side of the IOC Blockchain are impressed what we have achieved. “is that really live already” … We want more people to be impressed!

I/O Coin, Actively developing since 2014

To set things in perspective: A new research from a Boston College study has suggested a limited lifespan for ICOs. In all, 2,390 ICOs were looked at, and the research concluded that 44.2% of startups were surviving 120 days after the end of their ICOs. An additional study showed that only 8% of tokens after ICO were able to get to crypto-exchanges with a good reputation.

According to data collected by Coinopsy and Dead Coins — two sites that track information about digital currencies — there are no signs of development or even a hint of future activity in the protocols of approximately 1,000 cryptocurrency projects, although all these projects have attracted several billion dollars in total.

The reasons for the closure of crypto projects range from common ones, such as fraud, closure of sites and abandoned code, to exotic, like the death of project developers, faulty wallets and situations where token makers use the pump-and-dump market manipulation scheme.

I/O Coin is different
IOC started in 2014 without an ICO or pre-mine and all development funding came from the core-team, Foundation and community members because we believed in the technology and wanted to pursue the vision on Blockchain we had 4! years ago. The team focussed on the core Blockchain technology rather spending their hard earned private money to “marketing” and is in continued development ever since. The IOC Blockchain has never been so feature rich and out-performing most projects technology wise.

Some features of the IOC Blockchain;
* Proof of Stake 1.5 IOC per block reward
* 4 MB Blocks with 2 MB data storage per block
* Decentralised alias system
* AES256 secure messaging system
* Transfer ownership of file / data to another user
* Stealth Transactions
* Unique HTML5 staking wallet with embedded features (above)

They all laugh at us because we are different. We laugh at them because they are all the same

Its time to get to know I/O Coin (IOC)

As the development team keeps on pushing the features of the IOC Blockchain its time to let people know the greatness of the IOC Blockchain.

A bunch of long-term IOC holders and true technology believers came together and came up with an IOC awareness campaign.

They aim to build up market confidence together with the upcoming Blockbid (blockbid.io) listing, sharing insights and content that is relevant to our community and to potential businesses we would like to work with.
Therefore, we are actively looking for partnerships that add value to our use cases and can support the I/O Coin Blockchain.

A message from the Community Awareness Team

As you all known, I/O Coin did not have an ICO, everything was build out of thin air — only passion and hard work. The budget is always limited and mostly comes from the developers themselves or generous community members, who believe in IOC’s potential.

This request goes out to our great community and people supporting open source Blockchain development

To all those who trust in this project as much as we do, to contribute through donations to gather the necessary funds to carry out the purposes set forth in our awareness campaign. Please see our campaign overview below.

We want to make special impetus, in that any amount will be welcome and very helpful. Donations can be made by several methods, using PayPal, Bank Transfer, with IOC, BTC. People who want to contribute and earn bounties in delivering quality post, memes, etc are very welcome as well.

Donations are managed by the I/O Digital Foundation.

BTC address: 14GY42sZicZ4XjpypJHJrZHtMQGum4xkPp

IOC address: ibmBjDSj4rjywWXJommFoAVkjLqGxxNPe8

Paypal: paypal@iodigital.io

IBAN Payment / bank transfer possible: contact richard@iodigital.io

The awareness team will update everyone on the actual amounts received and status of the campaign.

Much appreciated,
IOC Community Awareness Team
& I/O Digital Foundation


More information and socials:
Telegram: https://t.me/iodigital
Discord: https://www.iodigital.io/discord
Facebook: www.facebook.com/iodigitalblockchain
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IODigitalCurrency/

Website IOC: www.iocoin.io
Website Foundation: www.iodigital.io
Website ADM Ecosystems: www.admecosystems.com

Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-IOC
Xchange.me: https://xchange.me/




Private investor in vanmoof.com , kraken.com , getbux.com / blockchain investor and former board member IOC (’14 till ‘18)